November 10, 2009


Fairies and the culture of people interested in them. Today I thought I would look at the latest blogger buzz. A new feature offered in the world is change to the "NEXT BLOG" button above. It was initially designed to randomly introduce you to new blogs. However the newest modification is supposed to actually present blogs that may be of like mind or at least in the written in the same language as yours. Alas, I spent some time clicking this little button. And the strangest thing happened. I landed in fairy land. Six times in a row. Page after page after page.

I find this totally bizarre for a few reasons. First - why am I being directed to this type of blog. I don't have anything in my 6 or 7 posts so far that connect me to the land of magic. Second - what is this whole fascination with fairies really about??? I don't get it. This is something that has never been of interest or intrigue to me. That's not meant as a judgement. I also am not interested in learning about handgun cleaning, plant life in the 1800s or what is the largest amount of data that can be saved in the smallest space. But the thing is, there are like a bazillion people into fairies and the mystic culture that surrounds them.

So now...I am interested and annoyed by my level of interest. Ugh, not a fan of this stuff either..... Images Here

1 comment:

  1. Tee hee...
    I must try and see what I get...I never had used that feature before.
